October 2023


Unlocking Kazakhstan’s aviation potential – It starts with investing in airports

Kazakhstan is poised to become a thriving aviation hub, and ACI EUROPE is on board to help make it happen. In a recent meeting with the Government of Kazakhstan, the Civil Aviation Committee, and the Aviation Administration (AAK), ACI EUROPE Director General, Olivier Jankovec addressed the critical challenges facing the nation in developing sustainable air connectivity to boost its economy.

Olivier Jankovec emphasised Kazakhstan’s promising aviation future. With its vast territory, unique geography, and a relatively low propensity of its population to fly, the country holds substantial, untapped potential as a tourist destination. These factors point to a sustained growth in air transport demand over the next two decades. Moreover, geopolitical changes have repositioned Kazakhstan as a key player in air traffic flows across Eurasia, with its airlines rapidly expanding.

To fully realise this potential, Jankovec stressed the need to modernise and expand Kazakhstan’s airports. Current limitations on the fees airports can charge airlines hinder their development. This financial constraint forces airports to rely heavily on ancillary activities, impeding essential infrastructure growth and service quality enhancements needed for the success of Kazakhstan’s aviation market.

Find out more in our Press Release.

See photos from our DG’s visit to Kazakhstan in In the Field.