March 2022


Spotlight on… Sustainability Strategy In Action!

Inspired by our Sustainability Strategy for Airports, ACI EUROPE has set out to match European airports’ sustainability initiatives with the unbeatable framework of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

So far, we have celebrated Aena’s stellar policies fostering gender balance across its workforce coinciding with the International Women’s Day. Aena incorporated equality into the company’s collective agreement, so that the principles of gender equality and non-discrimination could become pre-requisites for all processes and actions of the airport operator. Thanks to this structural shift, the presence of women at Aena has increased considerably, from 32% to 37% and there is more in terms of excellent results bringing SDG 5 Gender Equality closer to realisation.

Next up, our focus shifted to SDG 6 and 14, Clean Water and Sanitation and Life Below Water respectively. On World Water Day, Finavia’s efforts to restore streams nearby Helsinki Airport, and keep them free from pollution thanks to extensive waste water management, have taken centre stage on ACI EUROPE’s channels. The now clean waterways have provided favourable conditions for the population of local trout to return to its natural habitat and take advantage of the spawning areas just off the busiest airport in Finland.

Find out more by visiting our new sustainability showcase page here.