October 2023

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SESAR DM: European airports invest in sustainable air traffic modernisation

In a significant move towards enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of European air traffic management, the European Union has introduced Regulation (EU) No. 2021/116, commonly referred to as Common Project 1. This regulation mandates European airports, including those in third countries, to invest in the deployment of the Single European Sky’s ATM Research project (SESAR). The aim is to create a more scalable and environmentally sustainable air traffic management (ATM) system.

SESAR is one of the most ambitious modernisation projects initiated by the European Union. It plays a crucial role in implementing the Single European Sky initiative, with the ultimate goal of improving the performance and digitalisation of Europe’s ATM system while prioritising cost-efficiency and environmental friendliness. The project is currently in its deployment phase, ushering in a new era of advanced air traffic management.

Common Project 1, or CP1, is at the heart of this initiative. It encompasses various ATM functionalities and sub-functionalities that align with the criteria outlined in Regulation (EU) No. 409/2013. These functionalities are classified into two categories:

  1. Mature Functionalities for Implementation

This category includes ATM functionalities and sub-functionalities that have reached a suitable level of maturity for immediate implementation. These require synchronisation of activities and addressing essential operational changes as defined in the EU ATM Master Plan. Specific implementation timelines have been established for these components, with an overarching implementation deadline set for December 31, 2027.

  • Essential Components for Future Implementation

The second category consists of ATM functionalities and sub-functionalities that are not yet prepared for immediate implementation, but are deemed vital components of the project. CP1 paves the way for introducing target dates for their industrialisation, ensuring their place in the overall sustainable modernisation process of European air traffic management.

The SESAR Deployment Manager plays a central role in managing and coordinating the modernisation of European Air Traffic Management. It ensures that the CP1 regulation is implemented in a timely and synchronised manner. Within this frame, ACI EUROPE represents European airports in this deployment phase, serving as a founding member of the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM). Collaborating with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), Airspace Users (AUs), and the Network Manager (NM), SDM takes on a critical role beyond daily support for stakeholders during their implementations.

The SDM effectively transforms CP1 into a SESAR Deployment Programme, providing a concrete manual to guide operational stakeholders on what needs to be done, how to do it, where to do it, and by when. The ultimate objective is to expedite the digitalisation of the European ATM system, ushering in a more sustainable era for aviation in Europe.

This regulation marks a significant step forward in the pursuit of a more efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly air traffic management system in Europe, aligning with the European Union’s commitment to a greener future for the aviation industry.

Key deliverables

SESAR Deployment can be translated to tangible savings of time, money and CO2 emissions. Up until 2030, if fully operational, all SDM Implementation Projects regarding AF2 (ATM functionality covering airports called “airport integration throughput”) would cumulatively save:

  • 10 million minutes of passengers’ time, which equals to €0,6 Billion (including avoided cancellations)
  • 0,08 million fuel tonnes and 0,3 million tonnes of CO2, which equals to €0,09 Billion.
  • Summing up to €0,7 Billion in overall savings.

Find out more about SESAR Deployment Manager on their website.

For more information, contact Barbora Smolikova, Airports Liaison Officer to SDIP.