March 2022


Regional airports gather in Sicily

As this edition of Airport: The Bulletin is posting, the regional airports community is readying to gather in Palermo for the ACI EUROPE Regional Airports’ Conference and Exhibition 2022, 28-30 March.

Keynotes include ACI EUROPE’s Olivier Jankovec, with an in-depth analysis of the state of play, challenges and outlook for regional airports in Europe, and Chair of the ACI EUROPE Regional Airports Forum and Managing Director of Cork Airport, Niall MacCarthy. Panel debates will cover issues around competition, changing business models post-COVID, and the transition to a decarbonising future. The scheduled debate on short-haul flights is likely to be stimulated by research due to be published as the conference opens looking at the facts around short haul flights and sustainable connectivity.

Joining the event for a keynote presentation on the opening morning will be Dr Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev, Chief Commercial Officer of Odessa International Airport.

Full conference programme and last-minute joining details can be found here.