October 2021


Welcome to the first edition of Airport: The Bulletin

Welcome to the first edition of ACI EUROPE’s new monthly digital newsletter, Airport: The Bulletin.

As I write, we’re less than two short weeks away from our 31st Annual Congress and General Assembly and preparations are in full swing. We are able to hold this event in person, in Geneva, and this will be the first airport industry gathering since the pandemic struck. The moment for finally coming together will, I know, be as productive as it is eagerly anticipated. And I am pleased to say we’re looking at the challenges ahead straight in the eye with an unflinching programme tackling questions such as the Future of Travel alongside the likes of Google and Expedia, asking a panel of experts who they think will foot the bill for a sustainable aviation future, and sharing the stage with our policy makers and regulators as well as industry partners.

The timing is not without its own challenges as I craft my traditional State of the Industry address. Our industry may be in a phase of restart, but fully recovering will take time – and it comes with the daunting challenge of decarbonising the entire aviation sector. When I delivered my address one year ago, I certainly hoped that we could have been further than where we stand in terms of traffic and financials by now. We will be making public a raft of new data and forecasts at the Annual Congress, and also announce a new initiative to further progress on airports’ own commitment to net zero CO2.

However, as the snapshots and updates in this Bulletin show, our airport members are determined and showing remarkable resilience. While further restoring air connectivity for their communities is the immediate priority, they are also striving not to lose their focus on the longer-term – with innovation firmly on their radar screen. And as our suite of new communications brands rolls out, we’ll be bringing news of more of them to you, on more platforms, than ever before. In the coming weeks we’ll be introducing our Airport Bitesize social media snapshots, and new debate and webinar strands Airport: The Interview and Airport: The Knowledge alongside this monthly news round-up. All this content will be gathered together on a new web destination www.airport.buzz – do take a look.

I hope many of you will be able to join our Annual Congress & General Assembly online if you have not already reserved your seat in person -you can find the registration here. I very much look forward to seeing you then.

With and for airports – always.

Olivier Jankovec

Director General, ACI EUROPE