International commitment grows for new cloud-based service model in air traffic management
The Dutch, Lithuanian and Norwegian air navigation service providers (LVNL, Oro Navigacija, Avinor), along with IFATCA (representing air traffic controllers), and EUROCONTROL, are the latest signatories of a joint statement of commitment on advancing the modernisation and digitalisation of European airspace.
The signatories reaffirm their commitment to SESAR’s vision of making Europe the most efficient and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world by 2045. The statement highlights urgency and necessity of implementing the Digital European Sky as a result of geopolitical challenges, and how it can enhance safety and resilience across the sector – whilst driving sustainability and contributing to Europe’s competitiveness.
In particular, the signatories aim to develop a modern, data-driven, and cloud-based service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach as part of a future-proof framework for air traffic management. Agreeing on the key priorities of modernising communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS) service provision and identifying an adequate cybersecurity perimeter, the signatories aim to jointly implement a new core ATM service delivery model as rapidly as possible under the SESAR umbrella.
Read more here.