September 2023

Our industry and partners

Funding opportunities for ATM modernisation projects: 2023 CEF 2 Transport Call for Proposals launched

The European Commission has launched the 2023 Connecting Europe Facility 2 Transport Call for Proposals with a total budget of 7 billion euro to support modernisation in European transport and open to all modes, including airports.

Projects funded under these calls will help to increase the sustainability of the trans-European transport network, putting the EU on track to meet the European Green Deal objective of cutting transport emissions by 90% by 2050.

The new call contains provisions for a series of Digital European Sky Demonstrators for greener, more scalable and resilient air traffic management. The demonstrators are a key tool to support the SESAR Joint Undertaking’s vision of making Europe the most efficient and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world. The selected demonstrators are expected to be launched in 2024 and to run until 2027.

In addition, one of the core areas covered by the Call is Smart and interoperable mobility with an overall budget of 400 million euro for all modes of transport including aviation and covering also SESAR Common Project One Implementation projects.

This is a unique opportunity for SESAR Deployment ATM Modernisation stakeholders to submit projects since the Call objectives include supporting timely and synchronised implementation of Common Project One (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/116 of 1/02/2021).

Find out more about the call: 2023 CEF Transport Calls for proposals (

Read more about Digital Sky Demonstrators on SESAR 3 JU website SESAR Joint Undertaking | WANTED: Digital Sky Demonstrators for greener, more scalable and resilient ATM (

Read more about SESAR DM-related projects that are covered by the call: CEF2 Transport Cal 2023 | SESAR DM (