June 2024

Our industry and partners

FAA and EASA renew commitment to modernise aviation through future technologies and innovation

  • Prioritising cooperative efforts between the two parties at all working levels;
  • Strengthening information exchange on safety oversight to enhance safety culture;
  • Fully leveraging the US-EU Aviation Safety Agreement to leverage joint resources and avoid the duplication of efforts;
  • Proactively collaborating on certification activities and operational frameworks;
  • Expand and target cooperation on rulemaking efforts earlier in their development process;
  • Promoting sustainable initiatives such as SAF development and deployment;
  • Partnering to ensure the goals of the Bilateral Enhancement Roadmap on certification activities are realised;
  • Reinforcing cooperation on the analysis and mitigation of systemic safety risks;
  • Enhancing information exchange and sharing on topical areas and emerging risks facing aviation.