June 2023


European air connectivity report reveals incomplete and imbalanced recovery

Europe’s seminal Airport Industry Connectivity Report has now been published, and released on the eve of ACI EUROPE’s Annual Congress. This annual publication, which charts the health of both point-to-point and hub air connectivity using models developed by SEO Amsterdam Economics, underscored the increasing evidence pointing to permanent post-COVID changes in the industry’s structure.

With total air connectivity still not recovered more than three years on from the pandemic outbreak, significant divergences between national markets, ultra LCC’s shaping new dynamics and hub connectivity shrinkage, new patterns are looking set to stay. Said Olivier Jankovec: “Air connectivity in Europe is lagging behind traffic volumes, and is anything but uniform across geographies and airport markets. These are changes which appear to be systemic, and quite possibly here to stay”.

The full report, which has been produced with the support of Ferrovial Airports, can be accessed here.