October 2023


Aviation associations commit to deliver the world’s most efficient, environmentally-friendly sky

On the occasion of the SESAR 3 JU Annual Conference, taking place in Brussels on 10 October, associations representing the European aviation sector have come together to announce a joint commitment to transform Europe into the most efficient and environmentally-friendly airspace for air travel worldwide.

ACI EUROPE was one of the initiators of the Industry Declaration, whose ambition aligns the sector with the European Union’s Green Deal objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and aims to optimise airspace capacity while reducing the environmental impact of flying.

A critical aspect of this transformation in the coming years will be the optimisation of the European air traffic management (ATM) system. With European passenger traffic projected to return to pre-pandemic levels by 2024, digital innovations in ATM can significantly enhance efficiency and provide the necessary capacity to meet this expected surge in demand, all while making substantial CO2 savings. This overhaul will involve the implementation of cutting-edge digital tools developed under the European Union’s Single European Sky ATM Research Programme (SESAR 3 JU).

As an initial step, these aviation associations have committed to working collectively on updating the EU ATM Master Plan, which serves as the shared roadmap for SESAR.

Access the Joint Industry Press Release

Access the Industry Declaration

Access the SESAR 3 JU Press Release