October 2023

Our members in the spotlight

Autonomous boarding bridges planned for Munich airport

Munich Airport, together with its Terminal 2 subsidiary, and Dabico Airport Solutions Germany, have signed a letter of intent to develop an innovative concept for fully automated passenger boarding bridges. The two companies will work together to determine the requirements for the self-governing operation of the passenger boarding bridges. After that, they will use the results to develop a pilot system for Munich Airport.

The goal of this project is to reduce the time needed for docking and undocking operations for passenger boarding bridges, increasing the efficiency and reliability of handling processes. This will be achieved by developing autonomous passenger boarding bridges that will be tested at Munich Airport.

The development of autonomous passenger boarding bridges is part of Munich Airport’s digitalisation strategy, which includes operational, commercial, and passenger-friendly processes and technologies. The airport is already using several measures such as biometric boarding pass checks, biometric access to gates and lounges, “smart trolleys,” chatbots for passenger inquiries, self-checkout kiosks, self-order terminals in restaurants, and robotic projects for ground handling services. They also plan to use robots for cleaning in Terminal 2 and the satellite, as well as sensor technology, to calculate waiting times at security checkpoints.

Find out more here.