January 2023

Our members in the spotlight

Aeroporti di Roma presents the pact for the decarbonisation of air transport to the European Parliament

Marco Troncone, CEO of Aeroporti di Roma, joined an industry roundtable at the European Parliament on 24 January. The event hosted by Italian MEP Marco Campomenosi was an opportunity for AdR chief to present the “Pact for the Decarbonisation of Air Transport”, an Aeroporti di Roma-led initiative engaging aviation industry players in charting a path to decarbonise the Italian aviation sector by 2050. 

Troncone underlined that the sector must be realistic about its decarbonisation goals, managing expectations in the short term and showing a concrete plan for decarbonisation in the coming years. 

By openly communicating the journey towards reducing emissions, the backlash against the industry will be avoided, ensuring aviation can maintain its reputation as an important source of global connectivity.

The sector should be honest that emissions may rise in the next few years, Troncone said, as demand rebounds in the wake of COVID and carbon-cutting measures such as green jet fuels and clean flight technology are yet to be introduced at scale.

However, an increase in sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), the shift to renewable energy at airports, and greater route efficiency will see aviation emissions fall significantly in the medium to long term.

Read more here.