June 2023


ACI EUROPE President says regulatory focus should shift from airport charges squeeze to hikes in airfares – and calls for fiscal support for decarbonisation

ACI EUROPE’s outgoing President, AENA Executive Vice President Javier Marin, set out a series of challenges in the political and regulatory landscape in the keynote interview, held centre stage at the association’s Annual Congress on 27th June.

Speaking with journalist and commentator Mark Pilling, Marin predicated his comments on the fact that building a resilient and sustainable aviation industry for the future was the only viable path forwards for economies and societies alike. He insisted that SAF production in Europe must be ramped up and that bridging the price gap with conventional fuels was a prerequisite to this being realised. Turning the focus to current legislative tools, Fit for 55 was described as ‘essential’, but with vulnerabilities apparent for regional connectivity and cohesion. 

More details of Marin’s analysis of these issues, along with his comments on the sixfold increase in airfares over the consumer inflation rate, can be found here.